6th Grade Schedule

Wabasha-Kellogg Elementary School

Faculty Schedule Master            
Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
8:00-8:05 Pledge, Lunch
>>>>>>>>>>>  >>>>>>>>>>>>  >>>>>>>>>>>  >>>>>>>>>>> 
8:05-9:05 Reading with Mr. Peterson’s class >>>>>>>>>>>  >>>>>>>>>>>>  >>>>>>>>>>>  >>>>>>>>>>> 
9:05-10:00 Reading with  Mrs. Janssen >>>>>>>>>>>  >>>>>>>>>>>>  >>>>>>>>>>>  >>>>>>>>>>> 
10:05-10:30 P.E. >>>>>>>>>>>  >>>>>>>>>>>>  >>>>>>>>>>>  >>>>>>>>>>>> 
10:30-10:55 Music Music Finish Reading Music Spelling
11:00-12:00 Language with Mrs. Janssen >>>>>>>>>>>>  >>>>>>>>>>>>  >>>>>>>>>>>>  >>>>>>>>>>>> 
12:00-12:30 Lunch >>>>>>>>>>>>  >>>>>>>>>>>>  >>>>>>>>>>>>  >>>>>>>>>>>> 
12:30-12:55 Recess >>>>>>>>>>>  >>>>>>>>>>>  >>>>>>>>>>>  >>>>>>>>>>>> 
1:00-1:55 Science with Mr. Peterson’s Class >>>>>>>>>>>>  1:20- 1:45
>>>>>>>>>>>>  >>>>>>>>>>>> 
2:00-2:50 Science with Mrs. Janssen’s class >>>>>>>>>>>>   1:45-2:10
>>>>>>>>>>>>  >>>>>>>>>>>> 
2:50-3:00 Assignment Books, Dismissal >>>>>>>>>>>>  2:30-3:30
Full Band
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